Ckuwaponahkiyik Atkuhkakonol - 2023
Project management, design and fabrication in collaboration with Wabanaki partners. Alongside construction and landscaping, I designed and built two interactive exhibits, including a Drum station and an interactive audio system for the Canoe Paddle exhibit with internal sensors and a weatherized audio system that activate songs performed by Dwayne Tomah at key points along the route.

Air Traffic Control Tower Interactive - 2022
Rotating radar display, interactive audio samples, and live ATC radio--all within sight of real takeoffs and landings at the Airport. A wide variety of sounds from a simplified interface.
Train Exhibit - 2023
Interactive features to expand a train exhibit space. Interactive throttle modulates audio (the floor rumbles!) and a responsive gauge cluster. Hand cranking the gears rings a train bell.
Firetruck Gas Pedal (prototype) - 2023
Pedal movement and a custom built circuit control a speedometer gauge and engine sounds. The pedal module is an installed, working prototype which adds to preexisting siren sounds and lights.
Sounds of the Night - 2019
Interactive audio explorer with adjustments to evoke a range of nocturnal soundscapes. Hand painted fluorescent graphics for installation adjacent to an exhibit that demonstrates fluorescent minerals and animal specimens.
Hangul Writing Activity - 2022
Designed as a more durable replacement for water-sensitive paper substrate, these slate writing/drawing tablets were installed in an exhibit that demonstrates how to write Hangul.

Makerspace Exhibit Development - 2021-2023
A series of custom fabricated additions for a children’s makerspace. Pieces include a lockable gateway, tool cabinet, lumber/materials storage, step stools, weaving station, try-it-table, and “woodworks” signage. Further additions are ongoing.